

rewear with revare 

The 1st and ONLY 0% Commission South Asian Marketplace Platform to Buy, Sell, and Rent Clothing!

Explore sustainable styles with our curated collection of pre-loved South Asian garments. Make a conscious choice for your next special occasion and reduce textile waste. Join us in promoting eco-friendly fashion, one outfit at a time.

list your pre-loved items

already a member?

You can sell your pre-loved South Asian items, list for free now.

new to revare?

You can sell your pre-loved South Asian items, list for free now.

find your next pre-loved item

Our easy-to-use and secure platform makes it simple for you to buy or rent pre-loved clothes and accessories online. Shop or rent now and find your next pre-loved outfit, accessories and decorations.

sell or lend your pre-loved items


Declutter your home by selling your pre-loved fashion items, accessories and decorations on our platform.

earn extra cash

Sell your pre-loved fashion items, accessories, and decorations and earn some extra cash on our platform.

give back to the economy

You can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to the circular economy, while being sustainable.

got a question?

Contact us if you have any questions on how to get started!